Monday, May 25, 2015

Digging up the Duggars - Meet Ya at the Dance for Cake

For heaven’s sakes...

GOOD, not EVIL, allowed the Duggars’ transgressions to be televised.

I am guessing...GUESSING...that The DEVIL didn’t dig up this news story on Josh Duggar– the LORD wanted everyone to know you can be a good person even AFTER something DISGUSTING happens to you.

THIS Duggar DISCOVERY should HELP you, oh sinful one.

People are not ripping into the Duggars because people are hypocrites (that is unrelated – people are totally hypocrites...YOU think YOU are NOT a hypocrite?  Oh...whatever...okay then, you are never a hypocrite.  Good job.).....

Real PEOPLE are “ripping into” the Duggars because the Duggars have made them feel like total losers for the last however-many years.

The Duggars HAVE NOT kept it REAL.

And, by doing this, the Duggars were kinda, sorta asking to be ripped.

(I have so many things to say:  where to start, where to start....)

Firstly, when you are asking to be ripped (AKA televising your sanctimonious lifestyle), you should FIRST do an inventory of your skeleton-closet.  If the skeletons in there are say...DINO-size, massive big...then you might want to slow your roll OR you might want to package yourself – for the masses – just a bit less sanctimonious.  The peoples just LOVE cheering for the underdog.  If you package yourself as a normal family with troubles...leaning on the Lord, trying to get it right, showing warts now and then...then people will not dig in your dirt as eagerly.

Secondly, think of this:  if you are going to run for President in this day and age – people gonna dig.  That is all there is to it.  I tell my oldest son, when he says he would make a good president, “Then you better keep your nose clean or you will see your indiscretions on Hannity.”  (We watch Hannity, so son knows this is not a goal.)  Does this mean only perfect people can run for President...ahhhh....let me think about that for a second...YES.  Yes, only perfect people can run for President – unless they don’t mind and/or are READY FOR a little skeleton sharing.

That brings me to my third point:

No one is perfect.

So, when you put yourself on TV, expect someone, somewhere, to figure that out and put THAT on TV, too.  It will make good TV to announce that YOU – the Perfect Ones – are NOT PERFECT after all.

That is not shocking – that is the way it is. 

Why is ANYONE shocked by ANY of this?  WHERE have you been LIVING?

Fourth idea for sharing:  I don’t think a reality television show should ever be based on a sanctimonious lifestyle – because that is just lying.  We are not morally superior to one another.  We are all faltering.  I mean, even Little House on the Prairie had Pa with an angry outburst now and then.  We cheered when Pa was his gentle prairie-lovin self again.  We WANT to cheer for people, help them be better, see them through their trials, help good people heal after their son does something horrible.  Key word here:  TRIALS.  We need to know everyone has TRIALS.  No one likes the one who is all perfect all the time – we KNOW they are LYING to us and that presents members of the sinful club (all of us) with a treasure hunt – the treasure is the EVIDENCE that they are not unlike US . 

And, even if you WERE doing everything right – maybe...maybe just keep that to yourself.

Cause bragging takes all forms:  sometimes it looks like a reality TV show. 

Were you watching the Duggars subtly brag all over the TV?

Were you trying to be a Duggar?

You still can be a Duggar, you know.  It might actually be easier now.

Me.  No.  I didn’t want to be a Duggar because I like to tell everyone about my problems.  That is my thang.  And, for that reason, I would have appreciated a big Duggar struggle be shared on TLC.

A BOND happens when we STRUGGLE together.

The Duggars never let us see them struggle.  

The Duggars HAD to see this coming...?

The Duggars SHOULD have a canned reaction/speech/perfect response READY.  Did they REALLY think no one would find out about their son’s deeds? 


I guess I am just more paranoid than the folks down in Arkansas?

I am not happy that their son did something so terrible.  Is anyone actually HAPPY about that?  That would make them SICKOS, not hypocrites.

In any case, what the son did was unspeakably awful,

but...and I hate to be the one to tell you, if I am the one telling you....disgusting kinda stuff happens in families all over the place.  I, for one, can think of MANY (TOO many) families where the relatives did disturbing sexual exploration on other relatives.  It is horrifying.  But, it occurs more often than you want to admit.  This may shock you, but you may just need to go into your skeleton closet and do a little count.  We tend to bury this stuff to the point that we forget...and then when we read someone else did that, we act all shocked, because the more shocked we act, the more protected we are from figuring out we have been close up to that kind of wickedness.

Sin is constant.  We are at war.  Don’t forget.

But – and this is IMPORTANT - we don’t shun the families where sin is flaring up.  We pray for them.

And, here is the CHALLENGE - when someone has made money off being is just so hard to have that instinct FIRST – that PRAY FOR THEM instinct.
The first instinct MIGHT BE (shhhhhhh) MIGHT BE....


because they televised perfection

and you are not perfect.

BUT, you gotta do it, girl.  You gotta stifle your “I KNEW it!” and your “I TOLD you so!” and you gotta channel that relief that you are not the only heathen family...

and you gotta pray for the Duggars. 

Right now. 

Go on. 

We will all feel a little more connected to the Duggars now,

and most of you who loved them will just love them better – no one will admit to this, but – for good people - love will be a byproduct of seeing them


Regularly, I post my struggles on Facebook for all my friends to read.  I don’t do that because I am proud of my struggles.  I do that to give my friends COMPANY in their struggles, and to give MYSELF company as I struggle to be a better person – every second...of every day.

I want people to know I struggle.  I let them see THAT side of me, just as much as I let them see the side wearing lipstick at the fundraiser.

And I tell my children, don’t act like you have it all together, all the time, or you will distance yourself from the people who need you most.

It is a dance.  You stay light on your toes most the time, but you throw in a stomp now and then.

Or, it is a recipe.  You add a pinch of exposed struggle to bake a good friendship.

I bet those who need a holy example are now watching the Duggars more than ever...

to see how they will get through this,

so we can all know how to get through our crap,

and the Duggars should know they can bake a really good friendship cake now...

and they can dance – get back up on their toes...after this stomping component of the number.

So, now they have cake to serve and a dance number to present.

Sounds like an opportunity to me.